This blog is now open to ICT 4 TE members and all. Describe or comment on literacy innovations that you think should be taught in the context of literacy learning. Sign in and use this blog to post your ideas about literacy innovations in teacher education. Please post innovations that relate to new genre (e.g., blogging, podcasting, vodcasting) and new technologies that foster literacy. Thank you in advance for sharing your ideas. -Karen
Questions to ponder (adapted from Gee):
1. What is the significance of these innovations?
2. What activities are associated with these innovations?
3. What identities are formed through these innovations?
4. What types of relationships are formed through these innovations?
5. What political perspectives are fostered and suppressed through these innovations?
6. What is connected and disconnected through these innovations?
7. Which sign systems and knowledge and language are privileged and dis-privileged through these innovations?