Well, four months have gone by now. I've learned a lot -- how to make video wallpaper, how to podcast, how to vodcast, and how to combine all of this onto a website. It's been fun teaching these multi-meaning systems and exploring how to put it all together especially since there are so many eager "readers" of these genre.
Along the way I began to network with many good insights from this list:
Along the way I began to network with many good insights from this list:
Will Richardson’s Wiki: Connective Writing: http://weblogged.wikispaces.com/Connective+Writing
Newsblur: http://www.newsblur.com/
Flipboard: http://flipboard.com/
Pulse: https://www.pulse.me/
Google Currents: https://www.google.com/producer/currents
Edublogs: http://edublogs.org/
Engchat: http://www.engchat.org/
Educational Chats on Twitter: http://cybraryman.com/chats.html
Educational Wikis: http://educationalwikis.wikispaces.com/Examples+of+educational+wikis
Chippewa River Writing Project Wiki: http://chippewariverwp.wikispaces.com/
Fordham GSE Media Literacy and Technology Wiki:http://medialiteracytech.wikispaces.com/Home
Cooperative Catalyst: http://coopcatalyst.wordpress.com/
The Atlantic: “Why American Students Can’t Write”: http://www.theatlantic.com/debates/education/
Moving Chicago Schools Forward: http://www.movechicagoschoolsforward.com/resource-guide/
School TM Wiki: http://schooltm.wikispaces.com/
National Writing Project: http://www.nwp.org